Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Miracle on dolphins 
God has created every living thing with a stunning vision means that he needs. Humans have amazing eyes that allow them to see on the mainland. But underwater vision is very blurred. The reason is that the human eye has trouble focusing under water. To overcome this difficulty, we use goggles that make air bags around our eyes. We can only see clearly under water with the help of these glasses. In the same way, people use high-tech cameras to take pictures under water. Eye dolphins as a special camera that allows them to see clearly underwater and above. They have a flexible lens in their eyes that swell and shrink, allowing their eyes focused on under and over water. This is an important requirement for the dolphins.Each time a dolphin is on the surface, their careful attention to the movement of flocks of birds around them. This is because, no matter where flocks of birds gather, where there is a collection of fish. The dolphins are very aware of this and use that information to get the ease of hunting.A special device in the eye of dolphin also protects them from the salty sea water.Eye dolphins have one other special feature: each eye can focus at different points at the same time. Therefore, the dolphins can look forward with one eye fixed on the direction of swimming while observing the presence of danger around with the other eye - a herd of sharks, for example.If necessary, the dolphin can even close one eye and left half-brain sleeping. Then, he closed the other eye, allowing the other half of his brain to sleep. In this way, he never fully asleep and always protected from harm.Those who support the theory of evolution states that all living things on earth with all the fittings without blemish came into existence as the result of chance.If that were true, then the sonar device and superior vision mechanism of the dolphin must have been the work of chance as well, though no one would argue that electronic sonar devices or cameras can come into being this way. To say that the eyes of a dolphin, which is technologically far superior than ordinary camera, or a sonar device incredibly, is the result of chance alone does not make sense. The fact that such a sophisticated technological devices have been installed in the living body to show us a clear fact: God created the dolphin and gave them special traits they possess.

How to protect dolphins newborn

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals, in addition to the natural systems that complement the body is very complex. So many technologies that are inspired by dolphins. One example is the skin of dolphins are able to reduce friction with the water, so the dolphins can swim with a little water resistance. It is used by swimmers to design swimsuits that resemble the skin of dolphins.
Dolphins have a system that is used to communicate and receive excitatory called sonar system, the system can avoid objects in front of the dolphin, so avoid the collision. This technology is then applied in the manufacture of submarine radar. Dolphins are mammals. They live in the sea and rivers around the world. Dolphins are whales kerebat and Irrawaddy Dolphin. There are more than 40 types of dolphins.

Baby dolphin new-born will be brought to the surface by its mother for bias breathe air. The dolphins have to rise to the surface to breathe to stay alive. Dolphins breathe air through a hole located on top of it's clod. Her body is sleek and slim, very suitable for swimming. Parent Dolphins breastfeeding her child with milk is tasty and provides the energy for their children so big fast. Every child dolphins always near its mother, so her mother could protect from harm. The dolphins are always keeping in touch with her son to grow bigger. Parent dolphins call their children with special whistles that they can recognize.


Dolphins Fraser (Llagenodelphis hosei)

Pendek, kuat dan gemuk. Dorsal segitiga dan pendek. Moncong pendek gemuk masih terlihat jelas

Pola pita gelap dari muka sampai anus. Strip pada flipper yang dari tengah rahang bawah. Punggung kelabu-cokelat dan perut putih atau pink

Bayi sekitar 1 m dan 20 kg, pada dewasa skitar 2,75 m dan hingga 200 kg

Berenang sangat cepat dan bekelompok antara 100-1000 ekor dan senang membelah air bersama-sama

Makan ikan pelagis, cumi-cumi dan udang dibawah permukaan dalam (dibawah 200 atau 500 meter) tanpa sinar matahari dan berburu dengan sonar

Di indonesia ada di lamalera di P. Lembata, Natsepa di Teluk Banguala, Ambon, Laut Sawu di P. Alor, Selat Ombai di selatan P. Alor, Loh Liang di P. Kom

Dolphins striped (Stenella coeruleoalba)

Similar to other dolphins in the same perariran (pantropical spotted dolphin, atlantic spotted dolphin, dolphin clymene) but with striking colors
White or pink, black stripe from the eye that extends to Flipper. Two lines from the ear hole. Short until above the fin, a long blackened up to the lower abdomen before the tail. Above the bright blue color pelvic / gray
The baby is about 1 m and weight 10 kg. Adult females 2.4 m and 150 kg. Males 2.6 m and 160 kg
Age 55-60 years. Females are sexually mature at 7-9 years (Pacific) and 12 years (Mediterranean). Gestation period of 12 months
Food small pelagic fish and squid
Large groups up to a thousand tails, sometimes approaching the ship in the Mediterranean and the Pacific. Because it is often caught in the Pacific is now rarely approached.